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My debut full-length book of poems, The Grief Committee Minutes, is now available from Saint Julian Press! See the SJP press release here. Order now at now at Bookshop , Amazon or your favorite bookseller.
Accommodations, winner of the 2018 Concrete Wolf Chapbook Award, is available for orders via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound. Ordering information is also available at the Concrete Wolf website.
Sarah Carey’s debut chapbook of poems, The Heart Contracts, is available for orders through Finishing Line Press and Amazon. Orders may be made online directly through the publisher’s website.
About the author
Sarah Carey is an award-winning veterinary public relations specialist, science writer and Pushcart-nominated poet. She holds a master’s degree in English with a creative writing concentration from Florida State University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous literary journals, including Gulf Coast, Sugar House Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Grist, Five Points and Redivider, among many others. Her debut full-length collection of poems, The Grief Committee Minutes, from Saint Julian Press, was published in September 2024. Her next collection, Bloodstream, will be published by Mercer University Press in 2026. She received the Concrete Wolf Chapbook Award for her last chapbook of poems, Accommodations, (2019). She also is the author of another poetry chapbook, The Heart Contracts (2016).
Sarah Carey
From Readers
This collection starts off with an ache that pulls a reader in uncontrollably with sorrow and beauty. It is a tremendous manuscript that begs to be read over and over. Organic in the purest sense. Anyone encountering these poems will be stunned.
Sarah Carey makes many gracious accommodations to family, to the inevitable losses in an ordinary life, and to the idea of home in all its human dimensions in this intelligent, sensitive, and generous collection. She meditates on “the long valediction” of a fully lived life and comes to artful terms with the repercussions of love and mortality in poems that ring true and resonate. Breathe the slow wind, she writes, another storm is always coming. We know it in our bones, and we see it again and again in these lovely measures.
Every one of Sarah Carey’s poems is taut, tense, terse, tough. And close to tiny: most are within a line or two of half a page. In that sense, they’re like those little candles some people put around their houses, lighting up everything that’s true and beautiful and sometimes scary about domestic life. Oh, and one more thing about these poems: they’re terrific.